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Tame your inner critic

For Every Woman Over 50 Who's Been Told She's "Too Much" & Still Thinks She's Not Enough,
Unclench Your Jaw, Relax Your Shoulders, & Stop Second-Guessing Yourself

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Stop worrying about, "What will (my spouse, my mom, my kids, my coworkers, the neighbors, Great Aunt Ruby, that kid from middle school who made fun of my Smurfs t-shirt) say?"

Dye your hair blue. Or purple. Or both. Order the creme brûlée. Wear that top with the deep red hibiscus print, the one that makes you feel like a queen in your own medieval castle, with the flowy, bell sleeves - even though they get caught on every damned doorknob in your castle (and always when you're in a hurry, right??)

Or maybe just try this one:  Say no to something you don't want to do that everyone expects you to do anyway. 😱🤯 (I bet that purple hair is looking pretty good now, huh?) If that one seems like the most difficult of all, you're struggling with your inner critic - that voice that tells you you're not good enough. You'll keep that voice in check so you aren't paralyzed by it.

Confidently call out your inner critic before she can take over

When you hear that voice, the one that says, "You're not good enough," "You can't do it," or "Who do you think you are?" (or all three), you won't melt into a goopy, sticky puddle of mocha gelato or dissolve into a panic attack. You'll calmly and confidently reach into your toolbox (Did I forget to mention you get a toolbox?!! 🧰 🔨🔧), grab the right tool (Hint:  It won't always be a hammer.) and use it to make that inner voice work for you instead of letting it prevent you from accomplishing your goals.

Capture your confidence and release your self-doubt

No more paralysis by analysis. No more ruminating in a swill of guilt and shame. Learn how to identify that b's voice so you can put it in its place. Through consistent practice, you'll recognize when your inner critic is trying to derail you - and how it's actually trying to help you. You won't be perfect - you'll be totally okay with that. You can move forward with your eyes open, see the obstacles, and know you can handle anything that comes your way. 

Meditate at home
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Taming your inner critic will not make you lazy or weak 💪

You might think that your inner critic is what helped you succeed at first but after awhile, you realize she's just a screaming, screeching, spit-spraying drill sergeant. It never ends. It's grueling. It's draining. It's disheartening. It's painful. And it doesn't have to be that way. Working with and understanding your inner critic, instead of letting it run your life, is 100% possible.

Using what I've learned through my research, I'm developing a method to help you do exactly that - identify, tame, and even befriend your inner critic so you can approach each day feeling confident and calm while reclaiming your precious energy instead of wasting it on worry, self-doubt, and rumination.

To learn more about this new program and get weekly inspiration for your journey, sign-up for my free email newsletter,
Postcard of PossibilityTM

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